Friday, December 18, 2009

Thoughts through photos.

So here I am in my room the first day of winter break. First off, can I just say time flies? I feel like I just found out Brooke was my roommate, orientation had started and I scored my first strike in bowling.

Anyhow, I was cleaning out my room today due to the absurd amounts of things I have trouble throwing away and I came across photos. LOTS AND LOTS of photos. All through out Junior high and High school. I literally sat on my carpet in laughter and a tear of all the memories. As I am looking over all my pictures I am in awe how how much the Lord has been doing. In almost all of these photos and memories I recall thinking at that moment, constantly asking the Lord "Why" or "How come?". Always in want for more . . more answers, more compliments, more love, more, more more. Why more? Why can't we all just be content in the situation? (yes I tend to ramble, I apologize). But then this makes me think about the Lord's timing! And this is 100% true. I am so thankful I went through a time of choosing cheer or church. Of feeling alone or hurt. A time just with my parents. Because if I had not experienced those I would not know how to love as much now.

When I think of change though, this past year runs through my mind. I feel like I am at a place in my life where I could never imagine being apart from the Lord. I have maaaany struggles, frustrations and trust problems but the Lord is sovereign and I have seen him work more in my life in the past year than ever before. This is scares me of how much more I will be broken, learning but also blessed in merely months to come. I am ever so thankful for timing and not knowing though. I have no idea where the Lord will lead me or teach but I do know this: I AM HIS. and this is all I need to know now.

"You made a way when you said it is time."

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