Thursday, July 22, 2010

What do I have if I don't have you Jesus?

God is so good.

God is so good, God is so good.

He's so good to me.

If you have eyes to see

or a little boy next to you

or if you have someone to call a friend

if you felt the warm sunlight in your face today

or saw the blue sky and laughed

you must know what it means to sing

'God is so good.'

if you know what it feels like to laugh with God,

to have fallen flat on your face

and have Him reach out and

say I still love you, take my hand;

to feel Him lift your guilt,

to ease your pain,

to have Him soothe your tired, worn, broken heart,

then you must understand how good He is

so sing with me,

God is so good.

Good is so good, God is so good.

He's so good to me.

i love Him so,

i love Him so, i love Him so.

He's so good to me.

- Ann Kiemel

I am blessed.
As summer is coming to an end, with only three weeks remaining, I start looking back at everything I was able to experience:
I have had the opportunity to look inside an African hut and pray over thirty six orphans who have a faith in God that makes 1 Timothy 4:12 come to life. I have been blessed enough to work at Cal Baptist each and everyday. Building relationships with many of my co-workers. I was able to spend quality time with my garden friend river rafting, and watching three family friends get baptized in the Curn river! I got to visit Amy and Chase (who are now having a baby girl!!!). I jumped from Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina in a two week period. It quickly became one of my favorite vacations. Traveling up to Ponderosa Pines to see my beautiful junior high girls became a night of understanding and love for these thirteen and fourteen year olds. Enjoying a craft night and Henna party, seeing how the power of prayer and a passion in my heart be answered. Going into the heat of California for a necessary road trip to see one of my future roommates. We laughed, I cried, new friendships were made. Mission Beach, San Diego and Salvation Mountain were seen! Swing dancing quickly becoming the newest rage at Coffee Depot Monday nights. Cal Baptist friends and I twirled and danced along to the music. A tradition being made. Seeing an old friend who has served the Lord all summer in the Middle East, learning of His faithfulness and beauty shown throughout all nations. Spending two hours at the local IHOP, asking for too many lemons with a twelve year old girl who amazes me with her devotion to the Lord more and more each time we get together.

If I can't sing 'God is so good' now, when will I ever be able to?
These happen to be some of the moments I have had this summer
where I say to myself,
'God is so good.'

. . . GOD IS GOOD!
He is so good to me.

At times I tend to do focus on all the negatives, rather than positives. I know for a fact that Satan is trying to distract us from fully serving the Lord. He is constantly telling us we don't have enough, we are not good enough, we are too sinful and not worthy of God's forgiveness. The newest challenge to myself is every time I feel negative about the situation, first and foremost I pray. But also, FIND a good in it. There are positives everywhere and constant reminders of God's love. It can simply be a beautiful sunny day out, an amazing conversation with a friend or worship time on the swings near your house.

"Let the heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones! For who in the skies can be compared to the Lord? Who among the heavenly beings is like the Lord, a God greatly to be feared in the council of the holy ones, and awesome above all who are around him? O Lord God of hosts, who is mighty as you are, O Lord, with your faithfulness all around you?" Psalm 89: 5-7

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