My beautiful loving parents are currently on a well deserved vacation to Alaska with all of their best friends.They have been gone for nearly a week and I am so eager for their return! It's funny. My parents are not only "my parents" but two of my very best friends. I am so thankful I am there daughter. I am so thankful we are close. I am so thankful we go on hikes, breakfast at Panera, three musketeer dates to the movies. I MISS THEM!
On a side note my Myers-Briggs test says I am a ENFJ.
"ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They live in the world of people possibilities. More so than any other type, they have excellent people skills. They understand and care about people, and have a special talent for bringing out the best in others. ENFJ's main interest in life is giving love, support, and a good time to other people. They are focused on understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for people, and get their best personal satisfaction from this."
- Portrait of an ENFJ (The Personality Page)
Everything stated above in my personality traits are surrounded around people. YUP! I absolutely love people. Who would have guessed? These past couple weeks though have been an up and down cycle for me. In reality, I love people. I also love (& need!) my alone time. I have enjoyed having large amounts of both these past few weeks. I am starting to get stir crazy though. I find it ironic that I feel so lonely at times and yet the Creator of the Universe calls me to him each and everyday! He tells us all how loved, adored, WORTHY we are. He wants all of us. He wants us to be available. He wants our hearts. My main thought?
Why are we not giving it to our KING? The Alpha Omega!
Are we crazy?
I am currently reading "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. (Okay, seriously. She is incredible!) I read over the section called BENEFITS AND OBSTACLES this afternoon. She gave five benefits and obstacles to our journey with the Lord.
Five Benefits:
1. To know God and believe Him
2. To glorify God
3. To find satisfaction in God
4. To experience God's peace
5. To enjoy God's presence
With that, Moore also provided five obstacles that may hinder us from doing so:
Five Obstacles:
1. Unbelief, which hinders knowing God
2. Pride, which prevents us from glorifying God
3. Idolatry, which keeps us from being satisfied with God
4. Prayerlessness, which blocks our experience of God's peace
5. Legalism, which stops our enjoyment of God's presence
I don't know about yourself, but I have struggled with all five. + five more than that. + twenty more than that. I know that God gives us the tools to get out. He provides his word as a tool for us to understand, have peace and help us along our journey in life.
I sit here thinking to myself
"Where in the world would I be without my Lord Jesus?"
I have absolutely no idea. It's a scary thought. It truly is.
John and Jenny Meeker came to speak at our college group last night. Their ministry in Croatia is absolutely amazing!