Sunday, December 6, 2009

My words.

So lately I feel like the Lord has really been showing me my words need to be "True, Honest and Necessary." I literally spend two whole days figuring out what this even meant. For myself. True: What is right and what is wrong. The truth. Honest: Never lying to hide something, or "getting myself out of a situation." To simply be honest but with right motives, doing it with the right intentions and love towards others. Necessary: Sarcasm, and rudeness can so much be taken out of context and can be hurtful. I need all my words to come with some sort of meaning and hopefully never with cruel intent.

Now someone for me who tends to talk a lot, this has been an extremely difficult thing for me to fully comprehend. I have always wanted my words to be "True, Honest and Necessary" but I've never TRULY made a real effort into doing so. In the past week all three of these phrases have been placed in my life big time. It has really forced me to look only to the lord and to truly do all three of these. Why is it so hard for everyone though? I feel like we're always trying to make everything so exciting, or more interesting. But how wonderful would it be if everything was just out there- flat on the table. Sure, it would hurt some but I know for myself I would so much rather be given it all and figure out from there on.

Although this may be short and simple, this is really something I hope to obtain this year. or this next year that is. Whatever the circumstances or situation I am now trying to do this. each day, which is a process but I am starting it. :)

good day!

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