Friday, November 13, 2009

I wish we could all just understand.

Growing up as a kid how did you picture what your life was going to turn out like? A hardworking husband a nice picket fence, four kids and a mini van? Because we all know that the typical American family is suppose to be loving warm and encouraging, right? In many cases this is what we picture our lives to be, or more hope. On the definition for American dream is, “ A life of personal happiness and material comfort.” What exactly is true happiness though and how can we constantly be content there?

When thinking about the “American Dream” I can’t help but laugh. In all reality, happiness is short term and short lived. We are happy in the morning because we got an A on our Anatomy exam, but by evening we are crying because one of our friends isn’t talking to us. Circumstances happen, and people’s emotions are quickly changed. So how exactly is every American living there dream? In reality there probably isn’t one American living their ultimate dream. And in trying to go to material comfort for more happiness we are simply saying goodbye to our hard earned dollars for an emptiness that isn’t getting us anywhere. We are at a constant struggle in trying to find happiness, but in reality I believe our country is some of the most lost people. We all need a huge reality check into what this world is truly about and why we were actually made.

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