Monday, February 15, 2010

Rid me of myself, I belong to you.

In the past month I have been going over the verse
" Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will save it." Luke 9: 23.

What does it look like to take up our crosses? It has taken me an entire month to process things in my life I have to give up each and everyday. Each day I am realizing more and more of my selfish desires that I must give up but also be in prayer about, so I can live in such a way that is pleasing to Lord.

A few things that each day I am having to be knowledgeable about to try to rid my own desires:

-My words. <- truthful, encouraging, not full of gossip and distrust.
I had a frustration a couple weeks ago where I was extremely discouraged with the fact that we are all so full of sin and how easily we can get caught up in what everyone else is saying and I found this verse:

"He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." proverbs 12:25.
Why does this verse mean so much to me? I want to be that encouragement to others! I want others to people restored after talking to me because of what the Lord is doing in my life. We all MUST be intentional in our words to other people, because whether we believe so or not we effect people.

-My flakeyness. Yup, I am flakey at times. I suppose my excuse is that I just get too busy, tired. but honestly I think I have just become lazy in a sense. How can I get to this place though when it is for the Lord and his kingdom?? I become stagnet when this happens too, and just content with being like this. and I am making promises to people that I will do something, and I am not keeping my word. I am embarrassed that I'm like this too, so I am truly trying to press on despite the lazyness I have and be intentional!

-My need for perfection. I often say to myself "If only I was perfect" and then I laugh that I even say that aloud. Seriously, perfection is unattainable so why do I strive to be perfect?? We wouldn't all so desperately be needing Christ if we were. So in order for me to understand I can never obtain this I have to guard my heart from areas I know I try to take control over and be prayerful in these areas. This will forever be a struggle in my life.

" If it were his intention and he withdrew his spirit and breath, all mankind would perish together and men would return to dust." Job 34: 14-15.
How on earth can I even pride myself over the fact that I want to be perfect? To have ultimate control is strictly from the Lord and I have to praise him for having so much dominance over everyone. HE IS PERFECT. I was deeply humbled when I read this.

I so often talk about random topics in each of my blogs, and I am sure you are all thinking how this has to do with Taking up Our Crosses each and everyday. But think about; we are all unique, different, struggling with different things and a variety of temptations. We can't all have the same burdens and frustrations to pick up each day. They are different for everyone. But we have one clear and main purpose, to be servants for Kingdom of God. To be striving to become more like him, his glory and his power.

Overall though, we must be intentional in everything we do. Our friendships, relationships, our ministries, prayer life, quiet times and maintaing balance in all of it (but keeping the Lord above all in every area of our lives). I know so much of the time I get overwhelmed but if we all just took a moment to be still and realize WHY we are living this life, I think we would understand a bit more clearly.

"My Mouth will speak in praise of the Lord, Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever. " Psalm 145: 21.

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