Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bless the Lord with all thats in me.

First week back at school has officially turned into the second week. Being back for about nine days has already brought me so much joy! Seeing everyone after a few weeks of being at home made me feel like when I got to go to Castle Park in Elementary school... it was familiar, yet new! and I have to say being back I have already grown deeper with many of my friendships.

I guess first I just want to say how thankful I have been lately. On Saturday morning, Morgan Metzner, Bethany Tucker and myself climbed up Mount Rubidoux. Before I continue I have to say I owe Mount Rubidoux a lot in my life time, so many memories, hikes and times have been spent climbing up there. But anyhow, this time was a tad different from some of the rest. Not only did we laugh more than I have in an extremely long time, but we were real. We shared who we are, where we have come from, how we can be praying for one another. It was something a lot of people aren't blessed to have in friendships. It felt so real and right, I know the Lord was present and blessing us right there and will continue to.

I am blessed. :)

On another note,
Over the past couple of months I have been looking over this verse in Song of Solomon.
" I am my lover's and my lover is mine" Song of Solomon 6:3

Now, when one typically would look at this verse and sees the word "lover" they would most likely think of someone you are dating, or in marriage. But when I saw this verse I saw something different. I saw the LORD as my lover, and me as his. I see how he needs to be the first and foremost in my life. I see how I am special to him. and in this, I know that he will bless me because I will be seeing his desires in my life, rather then the desires I have for myself. When I think about how he needs to be first and how often at times we are all so sinful and this doesn't happen, it makes me wonder how much we are hurting the Lord. He is jealous for us, he wants us to be his and he deserves this. It's almost like we are cheating on him in a way. We go to the computer for love, or we're in a lustful relationship for love, we get involved in friendships that aren't wise or we are simply "too busy" to give the Lord the time he deserves and wants from us. How does this make him feel? He created us to worship him, and we are doing the exact opposite and being hypocritical. I have been really pressed with the idea of the Lord being my first thought, which is something I will be struggling with for a very long time but I am aware that the Lord is my Lover, and I am trying to treat him like so.

good rain, good day.

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