The week after I got back from my trip to Uganda, Africa we had a guest speaker at my church, The Grove. Dr. David Thompson. He grew up as a missionary kid in the Philippines, when college started he left his parents on the mission field and came back to America. One evening he received one of the worst phone calls any person could ever receive. His parents were both killed as martyrs. He told the story that he got unto the ground in complete despair and confusion. His parents had been serving the Lord on the mission field almost their entire lives and were killed in the area they most loved. In tears, Dr. Dave continued saying how there were only two options in his life to do that night: forget God, or trust God.
“What are some of the most important treasures in your life?”
Now, imagine one day these people, these things, these situations were no longer there. Death occurred, a massive fire, you were fired . . . the list goes on and on. But simply stated, “Do you trust God?”
I then thought to myself: Do I trust God? Do I trust God with my relationship with Kev? Do I trust God with my money? Do I trust God with my future job and living location? Do I trust God to do bigger things in my life than I ever imagined? Do I trust God that he will place people in my life to encourage and be encouraged by?
Most days I would say yes, those are the days the sun is shining through the thick marshmallow like clouds and the grass is ever so green. But, would I trust God if destruction were to come upon the airport I am currently sitting in?
Trust is a funny word. I always think about that game I use to play at church when I was younger. Someone would go behind me; I would shut my eyes and fall into there arms. Total complete TRUST. If the person behind me had not earned my trust, or had been not been consistent, there is NO chance I would allow them to touch me- let alone, catch me. When I think about the times in my life when I was falling back, unto the unknown, feeling alone, overly dramatic, insecure and in envy the only ultimate person to catch me was God. He was steadfast, he was consistent, and he was love. I know you are thinking, “Wow, can Allison be anymore cliché?” Perhaps I am but in reality and in my heart I know that without a doubt this is true.
I just don’t understand God. I have a boyfriend. I have best friends. I am trying, but I’m just not happy. Why can’t I give you all of me? What is holding me back? Why do I feel dissatisfied? What is missing?? . . .
As I reflect on this journal I wrote almost three years ago, I look to how distrusting I was. I said I was “living for God” BUT my main purpose in life was not to glorify God to the highest extent. It was not to proclaim his name across all names. My main purpose in life was to satisfy my needs, my wants, and my problems. Which brings me to the point that as believers we were not designed for God to make us 100% happy, or to fulfill our innermost desires. But rather to make his name above all else. This is our purpose, our will in life.
Dr. David Thompson ended his message with the closing story to his parents death, the people they had been trying to lead to Christ for the past six years previous to there death saw how they died for God. And they in return accepted Christ into their lives as their personal savior. The night Dr. Dave placed all trust in God, lead him to a place of saying he not only believed God but now actually TRUSTED in God. And he never looked back.
“We will not be able to do any of this until we learn to love God more than we love ourselves.”
From the South, Amen Bo!