Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's fall, and oh so lovely.

Why hello there,
So as I am sitting in the second floor of the library I am thinking to myself, "Allison why are you sitting by the window? You know how easily distracted at get." I am doing this one of three reasons. One: It is just too beautiful not to overlook the library fountain and pretend to throw pennies in for good luck. Two: I am quite envious of anyone who is outside, experiencing the sunlight on the faces right about now, and wish I was doing so too. Three: Anatomy and me are not friends right now.

I will leave you with the quick thought that I do not have A D D although it might appear I do. I promise you, do not be mistaken. I am off to actually check things off my to do list and although I wish I was anywhere but here . . . studying. I am determined to get this done. So I say hello to the bones and fibrocartilage, communications and my paper on cause and effect.

So I begin,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, little Allison. I used to do the same thing! Me ad anatomy were never friends so don't count on it. I love you and miss you! You'll have to check out our bloggy blog too. It has a picture of you and Ry on it:)
