Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have a headache.

It's funny to me thinking "who is even reading this?" but I find it entertaining so I will embrace it.

These past couple days I have been in thinking mode, which isn't unusual for me but sometimes I hate it. I think, think and think. So I tend to think too much. (hence the three thinks). I believe I should be thinking though. It makes me want to be better, try harder. but it also makes me frustrated. why must I overanalyze every bit of my life. I am learning it can't be perfect, orderly and wonderful all the time. - obviously, this is life. but sometimes I wish I could shut off my brain, thoughts, even talking and just BE. Maybe I will try this soon? A new social experiment perhaps? I have been wanting to do a few of others lately.

My thoughts right now:
I love junior highers'. I am co-leading a girls small group and it is without a doubt one of the greatest things. They are my life. They make me want to try to be better, love more and be more wise. We had broom hockey this weekend, and although my team got second, I wont be able to move for another week, I am still catching up on sleep I wouldn't take back my time with them ever. They are all so beautiful and lovely.
My second thought, my college group tonight talked about "Invisible Children". Not only was I almost in tears by the end but it truly affected me. It felt me speechless and all I wanted to do was hold all of those children. How can I help more? In what areas can I serve them. Sometimes I feel like I'm so helpless. But then again the power of prayer is remarkable. I just wish I could do more at times..

I am going to bed at 10:30 tonight. something I never have experienced at school. this will be good. off I go.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's fall, and oh so lovely.

Why hello there,
So as I am sitting in the second floor of the library I am thinking to myself, "Allison why are you sitting by the window? You know how easily distracted at get." I am doing this one of three reasons. One: It is just too beautiful not to overlook the library fountain and pretend to throw pennies in for good luck. Two: I am quite envious of anyone who is outside, experiencing the sunlight on the faces right about now, and wish I was doing so too. Three: Anatomy and me are not friends right now.

I will leave you with the quick thought that I do not have A D D although it might appear I do. I promise you, do not be mistaken. I am off to actually check things off my to do list and although I wish I was anywhere but here . . . studying. I am determined to get this done. So I say hello to the bones and fibrocartilage, communications and my paper on cause and effect.

So I begin,